
Operations & Workday Financials Conversion

Effective July 4th, units and departments processing mail must attach the FDM Worktag printable page to mail bundles.  This replaces the former PTAO Generator.  The new printable page supports Workday Financials and can be generated from the FDM Validator located at   Questions on the FDM Validator should be directed to [email protected].
UVA Mail Services is operating under normal operating hours.  MORE >>

Address Directory

Department PO Box Zip Code Zip Code + 4
Orientation and New Student Programs 400181 22904 4181
Orthopedic Business Office 801016 22908 1016
Orthopedic Research Laboratory 800374 22908 374
Orthopedic Surgery - Medical Records 800373 22908 373
Orthopedic Surgery - Physician's Administrative Office 800159 22908 159
Orthopedics 801001 22908 1001
Otolaryngology - 415 Ray C. Hunt 800875 22908 875
Otolaryngology - Northridge 801313 22908 1313
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 800713 22908 713
Outpatient O.R. 800853 22908 852
Outpatient Surgical Svcs Clinical Manager 800511 22908 511
PACU 801422 22908 1422
Pain Management 801008 22908 1008
Palliative Care 801024 22908 1024
Palmer Lab 801366 22908 1366
Parking and Transportation 400000 22904 4000
Pathology Administrative Office - MR5 800904 22908 904
Pathology Department 800214 22908 214
Patient & Guest Relations / Administrative Services 800704 22908 704
Patient Access - Hospital West 800467 22908 467
Patient Access Registration Hub - Fontaine 800874 22908 874
Patient Access Registration Hub - Northridge 801107 22908 1107
Patient Care Services 800566 22908 566
Patient Experience Office 801481 22908 1481
Patient Financial Services 800750 22908 750
Patient Friendly Access 400102 22908 102
PATIENT MAIL ONLY 800653 22908 653
Patient Representative Dept. 800678 22908 678
Patient Transition Unit (PTU) 800855 22908 855
Patient Transportation -Distributions 800683 22908 683
Payne Construction Company 800169 22906 169
Payroll - Health System 800778 22908 778
Payroll, Department of 400127 22904 4127
Pediatric Cardiology Lab 801356 22908 1356
Pediatric Lab - Dr. Khalequz Zaman 801352 22908 1352
Pediatric Nephrology 801334 22908 13334
Pediatric Respiratory Medicine- Stephen J. Lewis Lab 801372 22908 1372
Pediatrics 800386 22908 386
Pediatrics - Northridge 801303 22908 1303
Pediatrics - Rio Hill 800593 22908 593
Pediatrics -  Northridge 801303 22904 1303
Pediatrics Nephrology 800903 22908 903
Pediatrics Specialty Clinic 800745 22908 745
Pegasus Flight Operations 800213 22908 213
Pharmacology 800735 22908 735
Pharmacy 800674 22908 674
Philosophy, Corcoran Department of 400780 22904 4780
Phlebotomy 801009 22908 1009
Physical Diagnosis / Marjorie Rein 800380 22908 380
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Faculty 801004 22908 1004